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WHY S.C. MEGA CHURCH CONFERENCE 212 WAS SO SUCCESSFUL: Redemption Church Captivates the Carolinas and Beyond.


What church event would not only hold the attention of 7,000+ people but would intrigue another thousand or so to sit in their choice of overflow rooms? It was the Conference of the year for South Carolina, Conference212 2017.

But how does one church convince not only its own members but members of church congregations in this area and as far away as Alaska to make a special trip to spend an entire weekend in a melting pot of people from just about every race and so many different walks of life?

There are in fact many answers to this, so if I put it all together it would come out something like; It was a place you could go for answers, direction, hospitality, prayer, the presence of God, various mini concerts, and all for no charge. Wait! Not only was it free but there was no pressure or any…

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About the Author

Kimberly IamIndie

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